That’s right folks, I have finally resurfaced after a prolonged absence…. Despite speculations to the contrary, I have not been abducted, become gainfully employed, entered the witness relocation program, joined a cult, or forgotten about The Inkspot.
I recently started taking web design classes in January this year. I can’t tell you how great it’s been. I’ve really been enjoying it and I have been pressed to learn a lot in a short amount of time. It’s the first time I’ve been in school since I graduated from the UNCC College of Architecture in 2003. It took a little bit of an adjustment for me after being out of work for about a year now, you know - leave the house, wear clothes, and interact with others.
I have received countless letters, emails & requests in all forms demanding another post…(even one stalker) all claiming, “We want more Inkspot!”. Well, maybe I’m exaggerating slightly but for those of you who have spoken up (you know who you are) I appreciate the continued support.
That being said, I owe all you loyal followers an apology. The projects I've been working on have kept me scrambling so I have been neglecting my illustration duties, and I haven't been on my own site all that much. It’s my intent to get back into the habit of keeping the site up-to-date. I may even post some of the work I’ve done for school for your viewing pleasure...if for no other reason than to prove I am not lying about my recent whereabouts.